
Working With Parents in the Early Years - Including FREE Resources

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Agenda del evento

Welcome to sparkearlyyears, where the child is at the center of everything we do.
You are here to boost your partnerships with all of your families for true, deep engagement.
Join this webinar for a deep look at what the EYFS expects for working with parents and how you can provide the same level of differentiation for your families as you do for every child.
Please email info@sparkearlyyears.co.uk if you have any problems with accessing this webinar and for the free resources mentioned along the way.

Catherine Lyon

Catherine has been involved in Early Years and education for over 40 years; as a student, practitioner, team leader, trainer, assessor, manager, business owner of nurseries (‘outstanding' and award-winning) and a small training company 'registered' with Cache. She has been a RgNI (Inspector with Ofsted) and a Quality Assurance Assessor (with the National Day Nurseries Association).
In her current roles, she often also acts as an advisor/coach/consultant in the UK and internationally, particularly across Asia.

FACILITATING PRACTICALITIES - Catherine understands situations from all perspectives-child, staff, parents, teams, management and also the necessity of how to make it all possible through successful systems for a thriving business. She is passionate and strives for high-quality early years education, where the child is at the centre of practice and there is an emphasis to “get everything right”.